An Overview of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a method used in psychotherapy that attempts to change certain behaviors and emotional patterns that are disruptive or dysfunctional in nature. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach works by creating goal-oriented processes that are approached in a systematic manner. It is based on two primary psychological practices known as cognitive psychology and behaviorism learning theory.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is highly regarded in the treatment of the following types of disorders anxiety, bulimia nervosa, clinical depression, eating disorders, mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic disorders, and substance abuse.

In most cases, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a short-term treatment process. This type of treatment can be utilized in individual or group sessions. which makes it a convenient and versatile option for patients who need treatment for a variety of different problems. Typically, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions last for no more than 20 visits, and may in some cases, be as short as six visits. This is often the most compelling feature of this type of treatment. Because most people generally consider psychotherapy an ongoing process that can take years.

Specific treatment methods with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Though specific treatment methods with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can vary greatly, some of the more common approaches include keeping a diary of thoughts and emotions, trying out new ways of behaving in certain situations, and evaluating previously held beliefs. The most important goal of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to teach patients how to recognize when and how their behaviors lead them to engage in self-destructive or harmful activities.

Once these types of thought processes have been realized, patients are able to honestly reevaluate how their thoughts trigger harmful behaviors. This allows them to be able to begin changing those behaviors into healthier, more productive ones.

During Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, patients are actively involved in their own treatment processes. It is important in this type of therapy that the therapist and the patient interact to create goals that are realistic and attainable. This type of involvement provides patients with an increased sense of ownership throughout the entire process, which makes it much more likely that the treatment will be successful.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment

Another component of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy treatment is that patients are generally given homework assignments to complete outside of their regular treatment sessions. Because of the collaborative nature of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, patients are usually able to change their harmful behaviors in a relatively short period of time and can begin to practice new, positive behaviors that will become a permanent part of their everyday lives.

When an addict is in rehabilitation, the potential to slip is ever-present. Remove yourself from the society of fellow addicts, as this will be a major adjustment, but it is essential for successful recovery. If you are a shopping addict, do not go to stores, and if you have to, do not go alone. Be aware of what may have facilitated the addiction. If alcohol exacerbates a sex addiction, avoid drinking. Whatever seems to correlate to the addiction may become psychologically connected, and avoiding those activities will minimize the potential to slip.