What to Know About Proper Electronic Waste Disposal

Did you know that electronic waste is the fastest-growing type of waste in the U.S. and worldwide? In 2021, there were 53.6 million tons of e-waste generated

E-waste contains harmful chemicals and metals, including lead, that can pollute the environment if this waste type isn’t disposed of properly.

If you are an electronics user and need to properly dispose of your e-waste, then learn more about the best electronic waste disposal processes below.

Read on!

Send to a Certified E-Waste Recycler

It’s important to remember that e-waste contains hazardous materials that require proper disposal by certified professionals. Before sending items to a certified e-waste recycler, make sure to back up all important documents and photos, as well as remove all personal information.

Any items containing lithium batteries should be carefully removed before disposal, such as:

  • laptops
  • cell phones
  • tablets

Additionally, all items should be placed in appropriate packings, such as a box, not just a plastic bag. Your Certified e-waste recycler, like the CJD E-Cycling will be able to dispose of all the items safely and legally.

Sell Off Unused Gadgets

It is important to properly sell off unused gadgets that are no longer useful or operational, rather than simply throwing them away. Selling such items on sites such as eBay or Craigslist not only adds value to these products and extends the life cycle of the machines. It also helps keep them out of landfills and helps prevent any toxic materials from becoming freely available to the environment.

Furthermore, revenues from such sales can be used to buy new, more advanced gadgets and replace ones that are no longer useful or functional. In this way, proper electronic waste disposal can not only help protect the environment but also help put money back into the economy.

Consider Donating

Consider donating any usable electronic equipment you no longer need, instead of throwing it away. Donating is a great way to avoid contributing to e-waste and combat the global issue of the overproduction of electronics. It also benefits people in need of these items which often can’t afford them.

When donating electronics, ensure that:

  • you remove sensitive data
  • the equipment works
  • you properly package everything

Many schools and non-profits accept donations and partner with electronics recycling programs. A popular option is DonorsChoose.org, where an individual donates items to needy recipients in their local community. Donating electronics can be a great way to help out your neighbors and reduce the amount of wasteful e-waste.

Give Back to the Electronic Companies

Recycling materials used in the production of electronics allows these companies to reuse what is necessary and avoid wasting valuable resources. The simple act of recycling or repurposing old electronics can significantly reduce the amount of e-waste altogether.

Companies can also take advantage of this by repurposing old electronics and offering them at discounted prices. This helps to offload used items and offer consumers new products more affordably. Proper e-waste disposal not only gives back to the environment, but it gives back to the electronic companies as well.

Be Responsible With Electronic Waste Disposal

We must be responsible with our electronic waste disposal – the best way to achieve this is to avoid the knee-jerk reaction to quickly discard electronics and become informed about the methods of proper disposal.

Take the time to research and plan the best approach for disposing of potential waste in an environmentally friendly manner. Commit to being responsible and supporting a sustainable, clean future for our planet.

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