Ensure Maximum Space Utilization With Hot Desking Software


Expenditure incurred on acquiring a perfect office space for any organization today is a challenging task. A sizable investment is needed to buy and maintain the office space. Before purchasing commercial real estate, each company or business has to look into its own needs and demands. It doesn’t matter to which niche your business caters. What matters is the experience that you give to your employees and visitors. 

Here’s when space management comes into play, which helps in effectively managing the office area. Space utilization is a technique where the pre-occupied space is measured in terms of occupancy, utility, and output data, and then estimating the scope of your building. While considering this, one should always keep in mind the layout and purpose of structuring a room or workstation. In this regard, what has proved to be a savior for all organizations is the Hot Desking software.

The Changed Outlook of the Office Post-Pandemic

The traditional offices in the pre-pandemic era required a lot of capital to structure and manage the office space. For example, with every new demand or rise in the workforce, a new set-up had to be made, which for small businesses or organizations was a challenging task.

With the advent of COVID-19, offices around the world were completely closed for almost a year. It was in mid-2021 that offices resumed that too in a hybrid work model, where about 40-50% of the office space is left unused. This on one hand can be utilized by the organization for various purposes like meeting rooms, common areas, kitchen areas, etc. On the other hand, it proved to be a cost-saving opportunity. 

What came to be handy in the transitioning phase from the pandemic era to the post-pandemic was a modernized workplace solution. For example, we have in the market the best hot desking software, co-working spaces, etc. Before getting into how Hot Desking has sorted the life of businesses and organizations, let us first consider the importance of space management.

Hot Desking software like Veris, has changed the entire process in which the traditional offices used to work. A seamless, QR-based desk booking system proved fruitful not only for employees but also for an organization as a whole.

Importance of Space-Management

A safer and healthier workplace: Following COVID-19, many organizations have been tasked with adapting existing facilities to accommodate social distancing measures. Performing a space utilization analysis has helped organizations create a more effective cleaning schedule based on the frequency of use.

Cost-Effectiveness: A space management analysis has helped companies worldwide reduce unnecessary spending and maximize space efficiency. An organization can enhance its facility management capabilities by making the most of its unused space. This has proved to be vital in saving the cost for the company.

A better experience for employees and visitors: According to a survey done in 2018, about 85% of employees were unhappy with their workplace. By examining space utilization, an organization can successfully address the needs of its employees and visitors while ensuring that the space is improved in a way that positively enhances the experience of whoever visits the office.

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How Does Hot Desking Software Help Ensuring Maximum Space Utilization?

The best power that today’s employees have is the power to choose whether to work from the office or work from the home. Employees of future can choose the space they want to work in. With Hot-Desking they have the option to get out of their home office and work in a more focused environment.

A hot-desking software allows employees in an organization to book their desks on a first-come-first-serve basis. Hot desking is how future workplaces will operate. With the hybrid work model being in vogue, not all employees are interested in working from the office. So, with a reduced workforce in offices, a great deal of space is left unused. 

Now, to manage this space, desk booking software plays a pivotal role. 

How does this software help?

Major occupancies in an office are by its employees. So when the management knows how many employees are coming to work in a day, they can manage the space in an office more effectively. This helps them to keep track of the occupancy capacity and manage the overall area in the office.

The best way to do this is to get a Hot Desking software that doesn’t serve a single purpose but serves the overall organization. Just like Veris Desks. 

The desks can be booked using the mobile app from anywhere. The user can open the app and check the availability of seats on the live interactive 3D maps. Users can also use the Find my Colleague feature to find their colleagues at work and see if the seats are available next to them and sit alongside them. Along with this Veris has a Rostering feature which gives admins to book certain areas for certain teams which allows for a much for organized office. 

Veris has made agile easy with its desk booking software. It has created a flexible and modernize workplace by enabling facility administrators to manage desk sharing and optimize space utilization. Along with this other features have also been incorporated into our software, which are: 

  • Avoid Ghost Bookings: Integrate Desk QR Code Check-In & Access Control to capture true occupancy and desk usage.
  • Advanced Analytics: Provide higher employee experience levels by analyzing real estate & employee usage insights in real-time.
  • Smart Desk Booking Rules: Create custom desk booking rules. Decide where seating should be placed based on function or restrict seating areas for safety reasons.

Veris Desks not only provides the employees to adjust to a flexible environment but is equally helpful for the organizations, as it easily configures the requirements of the customers, keeping in mind the overall structure of the organization. This enhances the user experience and productivity for workplaces of the future. Using Veris desk booking software, managers can motivate their teams to do their best work. We are committed to delivering a customer-centric experience with every feature we offer