What are the benefits of Pinterest marketing

Pinterest is a unique and very potent platform with more than 400 thousand users. Besides being a visual search engine, the advantage of Pinterest is its advertising potential as Pinterest users respond to ads, spending doubly than non-pinners. If you feel intrigued by this estimation, keep reading  Alpha Efficiency text and find out more Pinterest benefits and how to use them to your advantage. 

  • Expand brand awareness


Pinterest is a platform where people mainly look for inspiration, ideas, and information about the product they intend to purchase. This characteristic of Pinterest makes this platform extra convenient and receptive to the message your business wants to convey to its target audience. Pinterest users are there to hear and see about new products and are open to meeting new brands. The statistics suggest that 80% of pinners discover new brands and products on Pinterest. Other estimations are that there is a 55% more chance that users will purchase the product after seeing the video on this platform compared to others. 

As Pinterest functions by posting pins that permanently stay on your board (unlike on other platforms), there is a constant in generating engagement, maintaining searchable, and expanding your brand recognition.

Another convenient Pinterest option is the ability for users to save the search and products which have a great contribution on sale. By saving pins, users donate to product trustworthiness, encouraging others to make a purchase. Pinners value what other pinners save, and there are approximately 66% more chances for users to purchase the product based on what other pinners save. This implies, that the more active and in quantity your pins are saved, the sale will more follow.

Adding your pins creates numerous opportunities for users to discover your products and learn more about your brand.

Tip: By creating boards featuring blog posts you can provide users with the brand`s story and other relevant information that will increase awareness.

  • Increases Website Traffic


When it comes to increasing website traffic, Pinterest greatly contributes to this. The estimations are that 85% of weekly Pinterest users bought a product based on pins they saw from the brand. Pinterest helps people discover new content on your website and in that aspect Pinterest is more efficient than any other social media. Rich Pin is a feature that automatically synchronizes information such as prices, descriptions, availability on your website, and opportunity to appear in the Shop tab in search results. Therefore, Rich Pin provides you with the ability to add more links to your site, driving more traffic and conversion.

  • Improves your reach

Pinterest statistic suggests that 97% of top Pinterest searchers is unbranded. This implies that users are using Pinterest as a discovery tool and 98% of these users are willing to try new things when they find them. 

  • Great place for advertising


Pinterest is an excellent place for paid targeted advertising and sponsored pins. It is a superior platform for targeting audiences. Pinterest recognizes users’ interests through pins they save on their boards. The estimations are that users click three times more on pins than on other media. Another advantage of Pinterest is its cost for CPC (Cost-Per-Click) which offers the lowest prices than any other social platform. Thus, the return on ad spending on Pinterest is two times higher than on other platforms

  • Rise sales


With 40% paid activity, Pinterest`s conversion and sales are faster than any other upper funnel channel. Pinterest requires 50% fewer impressions than other platforms to achieve conversion. Evaluations are that nine from ten Pinterest users access Pinterest with a plan to purchase once they find what they are looking for. The statistics confirm these suggestions, as the users spend 80% more on retail than non-pinners and approximately 50% of US users practice Pinterest for shopping.

Product Pins is a convenient feature that allows users to shop directly from the Pinterest platform, providing users the knowledge on the product available for purchasing.

Additionally, the ability to add video pins about your product is a great advantage as it`s shown that video material can increase sales by 55%.

  • Discover your audience affinities


Pinterest is an excellent medium to find out what is currently trending and what your audience prefers. By following the users that follow your profile, you will be able to see what your audience is interested in directly from your buyers’ persona. Your active presence on Pinterest will ensure you insight into emerging trends so that your brand can stay forefront in the industry tendencies and audience favorites.


Final Thoughts


As you can see, statistics stands that users on Pinterest shop more often and spend more money on Pinterest compared to other social media platforms. This makes Pinterest a serious opportunity for your business to profit. Thus, the cost of this possibility is cheaper than in any other platform.