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A vegan diet has been said to have “cured” stage four cancer in one guy, according to certain reports.

A guy who claims to have cured himself of cancer has promoted veganism as a cancer-curing diet.

He was identified with stage four colorectal cancer after an emergency care visit in 2012 wherein Robert Mooberry, 43, was discovered to have a perforated colon.

According to Mooberry, who was advised by physicians that rounds of chemo and radiotherapy treatment were essential, a colostomy may be necessary. He began a plant-based diet with his wife, Amanda, in November 2012, who was previously a vegetarian.

Mooberry’s cancerous tumors were decreased by 80% by the time he had his second operation in early 2013 according to Mooberry. During his free time, he spends it taking care of her 20-month-old twins and operating a modest charity for cancer patients in need.

No, he responded, he doesn’t need to urge everyone to follow a vegan or plant-based diet. “To be honest, only one thing that helped for me was the diet.”

As a cancer patient, physicians advised Rob to undergo surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. An IBS diagnosis was made after one year of suffering from symptoms such as abdominal pain and blood in his stool.

Cancer that had been accumulating in his body for over two years was detected when he had been taken to a hospital in 2012.

The news that Rob had cancer was devastating to him since the illness ran in his family. As soon as he was done with chemo, he was told by doctors that he would need to continue his treatment immediately. “I simply didn’t want to do it,” he said. She said, “I was scared to death.”

Recuperation was necessary for me. That realization was the driving force behind my determination to combat this disease. I was willing to do what I needed and save my own life. In response, I decided to become a full-fledged vegan and superfoods lover.’

To say he hopes others would study the health advantages of his lifestyle because of his story does not imply he is supporting veganism.

By the time he was scanned again in early 2013, his cancer had decreased by 80%. As of this writing, five years after deciding to forego further treatment, he remains cancer-free. As a result, he is elated.

When it comes to cancer, traditional treatments don’t work, even though Rob Mooberry’s cancer was cured in the first round.

When he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, the father-of-two was told he had just weeks to live. He decided to become a vegan to fight the disease.

Scan results from a perforated colon Rob Mooberry were admitted to the hospital in July 2012 revealed colon, lymph node, and liver cancer.

According to doctors, two rounds of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are expected to be necessary for the Las Vegas bartender.

During the initial surgery, the cancer was lowered to phase 3A, but he said he couldn’t handle it anymore and needed time to get rid of the toxins in his body.

Following the discovery that sweets and processed foods cause malignancies, he began a tree and alkaline cuisine with his 39-year-old vegetarian wife Amanda in November 2012.

A scan in early 2013 revealed that the malignancy has diminished by more than 80%.

On top of his bartender job, he’s now operating a small cancer charity to assist other people with cancer buy their pipe dreams five years after he was first diagnosed with the disease. As a result of Tim McGraw’s tweet, his story went viral.

Cancer-free and the father of two 20-month-old twins five years after his diagnosis, he is now also an active cancer advocate (pictured)

A Daily Mail Online interview with Rob indicated that he was surprised at his attention. “I’m not standing up my soapbox yelling that everyone should become plant-based and vegan,” said the vegan campaigner. Would you like to know what helped me lose weight? Then this diet is the answer.

Due to his healthy lifestyle and no family background, Rob’s cancer diagnosis came as quite a shock since it was the first time that Rob had ever been diagnosed with the illness.

Video showing his recuperation has received more than 27 million views, and thousands of people have written in to express their appreciation for his bravery and tenacity.

Her relieved husband tells the tale of their meeting in 2011 at the Metropolitan Hotel Resort in Las Vegas, where they were both employees. The video breaks my heart.

He and she had already lived together after only a month of dating. Rob was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2012, after months of feeling poorly and experiencing symptoms. Their beautiful lives were ruined.

On learning that Rob’s illness was terminal following years of treatment, Amanda and Rob rushed to be married. An inconsolable Amanda recalled: “During a hospital stay, Rob whispered, “I would like to get married” to me. “That’s right!” In my brain, I yelled, “Another way of putting it is to say it this way: During Rob’s chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Amanda thought he would not live to see their wedding day.

Finally, Rob decided that chemotherapy was too much for him, so he and his wife pursued a more holistic approach. We became vegan, tried various herbs, and had coffee enemas as part of our health journey. “In the span of only three weeks, Rob’s cancer had been reduced by 80%! Since that time, there’s been no trace of illness in the family.”

The twins Amanda birthed to last year resulted from years of IVF efforts.

She said that love could produce “miracles” in the lives of people. “It’s difficult to think that only a few decades previously we had the odds are stacked against us,” she said.

Rob added that our love story was publicized as a testament to the strength of love to come life’s obstacles. This is not an attempt to persuade people to give up the medical system and go vegan. It’s essential to do your research, weigh the advantages and downsides, and make an educated choice about whether or not these therapies are suitable for you.