Who is Shaun Edward Davidson? Career, Net Worth, Bio, And Personal Life

While on the run from Bali’s jail, fugitive Shaun Davidson creates his own wanted posters.
Shaun Davidson, a BALI jail escapee who created his own “missing girl” poster in jest of authorities, is still at large.

Shaun Edward Davidson, who escaped from Bali’s Kerobokan prison with three other convicts more than a month ago, has taken to making his own campaign signs to ridicule the authorities.

Davidson has allegedly been posting false missing persons or wanted posters on his Facebook page since he went on the run.

He’s also written to Interpol, inquiring as to their progress in apprehending him. His whereabouts are now in the hands of Interpol.

Matthew Ragione Ridler’s Facebook profile has Davidson’s photos, as well as messages from friends commending him on his long-term escape of authorities and discussing his current state of exile.

A mock-up poster for a missing person features Davidson’s photo, fingerprint, and magnifying lens.
“His last known location is thought to be Kerobokan Jail in Bali, Indonesia. The last time i saw this individual was on July 18, 2017. I have no clue, but we’re getting close, “An alleged location is mentioned on the flyer.

A posted previously ad with the text “Right outta Kerobokan” and a substantial prize replaced it.
“hello hows it going just curious when you say near what close are you really?” was the message he sent to Interpol’s Office, as well.

Aside from congratulating himself and offering financial advice, Davidson has also offered his supporters some stock market advice while on the run.

He’s been free for the last 30 days. A few months ago, he remarked, “I have left my devoted lovers perplexed by my mischievous smartass ways.”

Forcibly Davidson with three other foreign inmates escaped from Kerobokan jail in the early morning hours of June 19 by using an old 15-meter sewer pipe leading to an abandoned guard tower outside Kerobokan’s gates.

In Dili, West Timor’s capital, Dimitar Nikolov Iliev with Sayed Mohammad Said were captured a few days later.

Actors portraying themselves plus Davidson and another guy, representing police, reenacted the audacious breakout, revealing how the four convicts got out of the cell by punching another hole in the wall then climbing out of it.

It took four hours for a rescue trench behind the doctor’s office to empty in heavy rain so that they could descend & crawl out.

For a total of $1000 they were able to get plane tickets to Kupang on West Timor by meeting up with an accomplice at Bali’s airport, where they then took a taxi to another airport to meet up with still another guy. They put on new clothing and boarded a plane to Kupang.

Davidson was the first one out of the tunnel when it opened. Since then, he hasn’t been seen at all. In fact, neither has his captor, the Malaysian drug trafficker Tee Kok King.

In addition, they’ve taken issue with his Facebook posts in which he purported to be in Amsterdam, Germany, and Dubai. It seems he’s checked into numerous places, but no images have been found.

Before it was taken down by the project’s administrators for breaching the terms of service, Davidson’s GoFundMe page, which his friends supposedly put up, barely garnered $65 in donations from the public.
The site Support a Fugitive was developed to keep this “hilarious tale of Davidson’s existence on the run” continuing.

He had just begun spending a year in prison for a variety of visa offences, such as using a lost passport belonging to another Australian citizen.

After doing time in Bali for drug possession, he would have been promptly deported back to Perth, where he faces a hearing and the possibility of prison time.

With only 10 weeks remaining on his sentence, the real motivation for Shaun Davidson’s jail break has been exposed.

To avoid deportation to Perth for using a fraudulent passport, the 33-year-old guy and his two cellmates developed an escape strategy from the overcrowded Kerobokan Prison.

According to reports, the day before Davidson was to appear in Perth High court Court on charges of drug offences, including possession with the purpose to sell or supply, he flew to Indonesia.

Due to his desperation to escape being charged with drugs trafficking, Davidson has managed to evade authorities for the second season in a row.

With only 10 weeks remaining on his sentence, we now know why Shaun Davidson was allowed to leave a Bali jail.

There were three cellmates in the Perth man’s cell who had a different plan, excavating their own out of the Kerobokan Prison where they were being housed.

To avoid being arrested for drug offences, namely possession with intent of selling or supply, Davidson allegedly flew to Indonesia on the same day.

As he was able to sidestep drug charges once before, Davidson continues to avoid them.

A 2016 photo of Davidson. This information comes from from AAP.

That’s the hole that Davidson hacked open to escape the overcrowding of the facility. This material comes from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Climbing through a tight passageway to safety.

Uncovering a 15-meter-long underground tunnel was only possible after the four offenders failed to turn up again for prison’s daily roll call.

He would have had a difficult time making it out of the tiny corridor because of his six-foot frame.

Upon exiting the jail, the tunnel opens out onto a path that runs along to Kerobokan Island.

A watchtower kept vigil over it, although it was unattended at the time because of a lack of personnel.
It’s the first occasion we’ve discovered why Shaun Davidson escaped Bali’s jail.

To be transferred back to Perth, Australia, the 33-year-old would have to break out of the crowded Kerobokan Prison with the help of his three cellmates.

According to reports, the day before Davidson was to appear in Perth High court Court on charges of drug offences, including possession with the purpose to sell or supply, he flew to Indonesia.

In order to avoid making the same errors that he did the first time, Davidson continues to avoid drug charges.

Davidson in his previous year’s appearance. This data comes from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

This is where Davidson escaped from the overcrowded jail by digging a tunnel like this. This data was obtained from the AAP.

I’m crawling my way to safety via this little tunnel

When the four convicts failed to turn up for roll call, authorities uncovered this concealed tunnel, which measured around 50 by 75cm in width and was about 15 metres in length.

At six feet, Davidson had trouble making out of the cramped quarters.

The tunnel leads onto a road that runs along to Kerobokan Island after going through the prison’s surrounding wall.

Due to a shortage of personnel, a watchtower above the location was left unattended at the time.
At this point, we only know that Davidson with three of her cellmates had managed to flee. The information comes from AAP.

In an effort to apprehend the four other members of the cell before they flee the country, the Bali police are interviewing witnesses in haste.

The four suspects have yet to be located, according to police in Bali’s Badung District.

If they hadn’t left Bali, it would have been easy for us to capture them.