Skincare: Skin Types and a Brief Guide on Taking Care of Your Skin

Before you take any steps to improve the quality of your skin, knowing your skin type is important. You might know that it’s oily, dry, or sensitive, but that is not enough to provide the specific care your skin needs. After reading this article, you would know exactly what your skin type is and how you provide it with the best care.

Five Different Types of Skin

Your skin type depends on factors like genetics, what you eat, and where you live. Certain health conditions also have an impact on skin type.

Normal Skin

This kind of skin has a balanced proportion of oiliness and dryness. It is neither too oily nor too dry. A person with normal skin has a balanced sebum production and good quality blood circulation.

Oily Skin

You get oily skin when your body produces more sebum than needed. People who have oily skin have a grease-like shine on their skin. Such skin is susceptible to acne.

Dry Skin

If someone has dry skin, you will notice that the texture of their skin is flaky and rough. Dry skin is weak against harsh weather and you might feel that it gets tight and irritating from time to time.

Combination Skin

Skin that has both oily and dry properties is called combination skin. Most people with combination skin have an oily T-zone and dry cheeks.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can easily get irritated by many things. For example, spicy foods can cause flushed skin. You also have to be skeptical about using any new skin product as they can create new problems instead of solving existing ones.

Two Ways to Determine Skin Type

  • The Blotting Sheet Technique
  • Take a sheet of blotting paper and gently pat the paper on your facial skin.
  • If you notice very little or no oil at all, it means your skin is dry.
  • Easily noticeable oil on almost the entire face means you have oily skin.
  • If the sheet soaks oil only from the T-zone, you have combination skin.

The Bare-Faced Method

Wash your skin with a mild cleanser and gently dry it up with a towel. Once dry, do not apply anything on top for about half an hour and then see if your nose, head, and cheeks gleam. Wait for another 30 minutes, and check if your skin looks parched when you smile or make other faces.

  • If there is tightness in your skin, this indicates the skin is dry.
  • If you see a shine on your nose and forehead, it means you have normal skin.
  • If the cheeks, forehead, and nose appear shiny, it indicates you have oily skin.

Four Ways to Take Care of Your Skin

No matter what your skin type is, it is essential to follow a daily skincare routine. This way, you can maintain overall skin health and keep skin health conditions like acne, scars, and dark spots in check. You need to follow four fundamental steps you should do once in the morning, and once in the evening.


Do your research and select a cleanser that does not make your skin tight after you wash your face. You should not clean your face more than two times a day if you have dry skin.


Get a lightweight and gel-based moisturizer if your skin is oily. By making the right choice, you can rest assured the moisturizer will not block your pores.

Cream-based moisturizers will work better for you if your skin is dry. If your dry skin is irritating you, you should consider CBD cream-based moisturizers available at Cannabidiol or CBD is known for its healing properties and is ideal for relieving skin issues.


You can also use a serum in the morning. Make sure the serum you choose has vitamin C or growth factors. Plus, the presence of vitamin E is a plus. However, in the nighttime, retinol works best.


If you’re supposed to move outdoors, it is essential to apply sunscreen 15 minutes before leaving. Sunscreens have this property that takes some time to activate after you apply them. If the tone of your skin is darker, you need more sun protection.

Hyperpigmentation is something that’s harder to set right. The best type of sunscreen is the one that offers broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection.


Toners are like supplements that come in the form of thin liquids and give you a shot of nutrients. By toning the skin, the other products you apply to the skin are better absorbed and thus, they give better results. This way, you get a neat look at your natural complexion.

While buying a toner, the following are the must-have ingredients you should look for:

  • Alpha and beta hydroxy acids for removing dead skin cells
  • Hyaluronic acid to provide ample skin hydration
  • Rose water and green tea for preventing irritation
  • Vitamin E and C to prevent harm from free radicals

Four Basics of SkinCare to Know

Irrespective of the type of skin you have, here are a few simple things you should know to better protect your skin.
Broad Spectrum Sunscreen

Make it a habit to always use broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays from the sun.
No Direct Exposure to Sun Raise

Wear clothes that can better protect you from sunlight. You can also use accessories like hats and sunglasses to keep direct exposure at a bare minimum.


Drink at least the recommended amount of water during the day. You need to keep yourself hydrated so your skin looks full of life.

Wash Well

Regularly wash your skin. Take a bath at least once a day. Also, stay away from products that contain harsh chemicals.

The Takeaway

In the discussion above, we looked at the general skin types, followed by methods you can use to determine your own skin type. This blog post also shared ways you can take care of your skin. By following the above tips, you can improve and maintain the quality of your skin.