7 Ways to Stop Bleeding

It’s one of those moments that you’d rather forget. You’re cooking away in the kitchen, and before you know it, you’ve cut yourself. Suddenly there’s a sharp pain, and bright red blood drips from your finger onto the countertop. What do you do?

Luckily, it’s not as scary as it looks – as long as you act quickly and know what to do. In this complete guide on how to stop bleeding, we’ll walk through all the steps necessary for getting your wound under control so that you can get back to doing what matters most – enjoying life!

Read on to learn the best wound care tips.

1. Sanitize Hands When Time Allows

When trying to stop serious bleeding, it is important to take the right precautions to protect yourself and the injured person. Before starting, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water if it is available.

Wear medical gloves, and avoid touching the wound with your bare hand. If there aren’t any gloves available, use sterile gauze or clean cloths to keep a distance between your hand and the wound.

Sterile gauze and clean clothes will also help stop the bleeding. If the injured person can hold direct pressure on their own, encourage them to do so and try to raise the affected area if possible.

2. Remove Loose Clothing

If someone has a cut that is covered by their clothes, what should they do? To stop bleeding, the first step is removing any clothing or debris that may be present on the wound. This includes anything from fabric or other materials that could impede the healing process.

Make sure to carefully examine the wound for an identified source of bleeding and be aware that there can be more than one injury associated with a single incident. When dealing with any debris found on the wound, gently remove it and avoid any unnecessary probing or cleaning of the area, as this could further damage surrounding tissue.

3. Apply Direct Pressure

After removing loose clothing from the wound, it is important to apply direct pressure to the area to staunch the bleeding. Use a clean cloth or sterile gauze and firmly press with the palm of your hand until the bleeding stops.

The 15-Minute Rule

Maintain a steady, direct pressure for at least 15 minutes. This can seem like a long time, so use a clock and try not to lift your hands too early.

Did the blood soak through the cloth? Add another cloth on top of the first without lifting the first layer of the bandage.

If the wound is still not clotting after 15 minutes, seek medical attention. Keep applying more cloths and pressure as necessary until help arrives.

Only Use Professional Tourniquets

A tourniquet might be necessary in cases of severe bleeding from a limb. But don’t create a tourniquet on your own as you see in the movies.

An improvised tourniquet, like a belt or scarf, as could impede circulation and further endanger the injured individual’s life. Only use professionally made tourniquets you have training for. The exception to this rule would be if 911 tells you to improvise a tourniquet.

Preparation is key. Try being proactive about injuries by buying gauze and gloves ahead of time. Having woundseal bleeding powder in your household is a good move too.

Object in Wound

If an object is in the wound, do not apply pressure directly on it; instead, press firmly around it. Deeply embedded objects should be left for medical professionals to remove.

4. Position Injured Person

You must act fast and remain calm when a person is bleeding. Your objective is to get them in a comfortable position that minimizes the risk of more injuries.

In certain situations, moving the injured party isn’t wise. For instance, you should not move them if they have a back or neck injury.

Are they able to move? Then have the injured party get off their feet. This will reduce their risk of losing consciousness and/or further injury.

Also, avoid giving them anything to eat or drink. Don’t give them any medicines either. Let the medical professionals decide what is safe for them.

5. Get Professional Medical Help

Once you have stopped the bleeding, your next priority is to get professional medical help. Make sure someone calls 911 right away and/or takes the person with the wound to the hospital. With a serious wound, it is important to get medical attention as soon as possible since they can provide more advanced treatment, such as stitches or surgery if necessary.

If you’re unsure whether to call, play it safe and have someone call. Your health is your number one priority!

6. Watch for Signs of Shock

It is important to be aware of the possible signs of shock in an injured person while trying to stop the bleeding. These can include loss of consciousness, dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling weak and having difficulty standing up, or appearing less alert than normal.

The person might be unable to answer questions or seem confused, restless, or scared. If any of these occur, it is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Being vigilant and taking action can save a life when a medical emergency arises.

Know How to Stop Bleeding

Bleeding can be scary and dangerous, but following the steps outlined here will help you know how to respond in an emergency. Calling for medical attention is always a wise idea. Even after you stop bleeding, the injured party might need more medical attention.

Remember to stay calm, and act fast. Place a cloth over the wound, and apply direct pressure for 15 minutes. If blood soaks through, add another cloth.

Watch out for signs of shock while helping someone who is bleeding, and seek professional assistance as soon as possible. With these tips in mind, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to stop severe bleeding safely until help arrives. Read another article for more help.