What Causes Freckles?

Did you know you’re not born with freckles?

Freckles are unique to each person. They can appear anywhere on your body, but many people get them on their faces and shoulders.

But what causes freckles?

There are many theories about the cause of freckles. Some people think they’re caused by sun exposure, but that’s not always true.

This article will help you with understanding freckles and tell you how you can reduce their appearance.

Melanin Production

What are Freckles? Your melanin production gives your skin its color. It also protects your body from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

When you get a lot of sun exposure, your body makes extra melanin to protect itself from damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) light. However, this excess melanin causes freckles to form on your skin.

Sun Exposure

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays damage cells in your skin.

This causes the skin to produce more melanin as a natural defense against damaging UV radiation. If you have more melanin in your skin, you’ll be more likely to develop freckles.

If you want to remove your freckles, you can discover more here.


Children and young adults tend to have more freckles than older people.

This is because their skin hasn’t fully matured yet and isn’t as strong against UV damage. As you age, your risk of developing freckles decreases because your body becomes less sensitive to UV exposure.

This also means that having freckles as a child doesn’t mean you’ll have them as an adult as well.

Skin Type

Some people are simply more prone to freckle formation than others. This is because of their genetic makeup or the color of their skin tone.

If you have lighter skin that burns easily in the sun, you’re more likely to get freckles than darker-skinned people who don’t burn as easily. This is because light-skinned people are more sensitive to UV damage than darker-skinned individuals.

Hormonal Changes

Freckles can also appear because of hormonal changes. Hormone fluctuations during pregnancy and puberty, for example, are linked to increased freckle formation because of UV exposure.

If you’re pregnant or going through menopause, it’s important to take extra precautions against sun damage and skin cancer. You can do this by using sunscreen regularly and avoiding tanning beds at all costs.


Freckles are also a genetic trait.

If your parents, grandparents, or other family members have freckles, you’re more likely to have them too. You may notice that your children also get freckles when they spend time in the sun.

Although genetics is a powerful indicator of whether you will get freckles, it’s important to remember that you can still prevent them. You can do this by using sunscreen and taking other precautions against sun exposure.

What Causes Freckles: This Is What You Need to Know

So, what causes freckles?

Mostly, freckles are harmless. However, freckles are sometimes indicators of other medical conditions. You should visit your doctor to get a diagnosis if you have unusual freckles.

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