What is the reason FM continues to rely on spreadsheets to regulate facilities?

According to our study, while facility managers are aware of the benefits of modern technology, the vast majority of them continue to rely on spreadsheets. We are a leading provider of user-friendly computer-aided design Facility Management software (CAFM). We have witnessed through many years the way Facilities Management (FM) roles change in the light of Covid-19, evolving methods of work, and the latest innovations as well as the difficulties which see some professionals stuck with inflexible, manual administration procedures.

Covid-19 is still having an effect on the working environment and, with the future unclear, Facilities managers are faced with complex issues in catering to employees and ensuring compliance which are the two areas that people surveyed consider the most crucial.

Prior to the outbreak, The FM sector was under pressure to deliver at higher levels of service with fewer resources. The pressure is now increasing, most of them cite budgetary constraints as their primary worry. Then comes the change in work patterns and reduced need for space.

It’s also evident that FM is moving towards asset management that is more traditional and improving the health and wellbeing of their employees. The majority of facility directors believe that increasing the satisfaction of employees and well-being is among their most important tasks in achieving their company’s strategic goals. It’s ranked first with “controlling compliance risks”.

Inquiring deeper into sustainability, FM has a critical function in helping organizations attain their environmental, social as well as governance (ESG) goals. Enhancing the efficiency of energy use in buildings as well as reducing waste, expanding recycling, and supporting the social values of strategies is among the most strategic jobs of facilities managers in the present.

The importance of CAFM technology

CAFM technology improves processes and increases value across organizations. FM professionals recognize this and rank the efficiency of their work, digital innovation as well as ensuring safety and making money as the top four things to take into consideration when deciding to invest inappropriate tools. The ability to be flexible and quick in response is also considered essential for mobile workers, which is why mobile and cloud-based services are considered as top priorities in technology.

Most of them believe that security should be the number one priority, but tying it into control compliance can lead to accountability. With the threat of heavy fines from regulations and a lot of pressure on FM teams to meet their obligations. this is a possible reason why many of them still use manual spreadsheets at least in part. They’ve been tested, tried, and dependable, however, they’re not scalable and require a lot of manual admin, a factor that could eventually result in non-compliance. In reality, about half of people employ any kind that comes with CAFM software.

Despite the absence or lack of CAFM specific technology, there is a growing appreciation of the ways in which using the Internet of Things (IoT) can aid facilities managers in more effectively managing their operations with the utilization in conjunction with devices. About half of respondents believe the need for any CAFM equipment should also be compatible with IoT.

There are some who believe that technology and automation will impact their work in the next twelve months. Automation has a huge potential to improve maintenance of facilities and productivity, as well as aid in the improvement of efficiency, innovation, and safety which are the three most important factors to consider when considering CAFM technology investments.