Who is Amy Allwine?

Stephen Allwine, the enigmatic husband of Amy Allwine, claims he was indeed the victim of the high-tech framing five years after she was killed.

“Even if you take into consideration all of the scientific evidence and all of the complex physical evidence, I could not have pulled it off if you knew me personally.

I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish it, “Allwine made a statement. A jury convicted Allwine guilty of the first murder in the shooting death of the 17-year-old girl on November 13, 2016, and sentenced him to life in prison.

Following the failure of Allwine’s attempt to hire a hitman just on “Dark Net,” he murdered his wife and arranged the crime scene to seem as though she had committed herself, according to prosecutors.

His first interview with the FOX 9 Investigative team took place in the cathedral of Stillwater Correctional Facility, where Allwine is now serving a life sentence.

As a counter-argument to this, Allwine contended that an enormous amount of computer forensic evidence discovered on 64 pieces of digital equipment taken from the Allwine house in Cottage Grove cast severe doubt on his innocence.

According to Allwine, the actual assassin placed evidence on his electronic gadgets to indicate that he was guilty. He asserts that physical evidence found at the crime site may have vindicated his name if it had been discovered earlier.

Allwine has been convicted of a felony, according to people involved in the investigation.

In this particular case, Mark Contained on this site, a computer specialist who worked for the prosecution and examined electronic devices, concluded that the information was “overwhelming.”

Then Lanterman went on to declare, “I would argue this is maybe the most persuasive case I’ve ever labored on in the last 30 years.”

According to Lanterman’s investigation, at least one or two women Allwine encountered on the adultery website Ashley Madison had sexual encounters with him. Allwine was deafeningly quiet about the situation.

According to evidence in court, Stephen, an adult in his church, murdered Amy since a divorce risked his status due to the death.

A scheme to persuade somebody else to do anything terrible has been discovered.

All wines seemed to have led a life committed to their religion and their family on the outside, and this looked to be the case. Their relationship bloomed while attending a Christian school, and they married shortly after.

Stephen earned the roles of deacon or information systems expert as he progressed thru the levels of his church. Their Cottage Grove home is located across a muddy road.

Amy & Stephen Allwine were approached by a Cottage Glen police officer and an FBI agent in May 2016, who told them that Amy was the target of an assassination attempt.

Specifically, in this instance, the FBI relied on the cache of emails received from an unnamed person just on “Dark Net,” a section of the internet that can only be accessed by users who have the Tor browser installed on their computers.

Because there are so many relay servers all around the globe, it is impossible to keep track of what is going on on the Dark Net.

A number of the emails recovered by the FBI came from Besa Mafia, a Dark Net organization that claimed to provide paid Albanian contract killers.

Someone using the username ‘dogdays’ sent an anonymous email to this website on February 14th, prompting the creation of this page.

As a first question, “I am interested in using your services; but, what is the most efficient way to transfer funds into bitcoin anonymously?” the subject line of the original email from ‘dogdays’ said.

There were numerous additional mails in which Amy Allwine’s surname was referenced to negotiate payment in bitcoin and a range of future murder scenarios.

“This bitch has split my family apart by partying with my spouse (who subsequently left me), and she is pulling clients away from my company,” said an anonymous dogdays on the website.

It’s possible that Stephen Allwine’s wife Amy was confused for a different Amy. In his opinion, Amy was interviewed by the FBI with her initiative, and the FBI never considered him a suspect in the investigation.

“I think I have identified the perpetrator of the crime based on the information I have gathered. I was able to trace the problem back to a coworker of hers.” Allwine said this.

Stephen Allwine’s objective, it is thought, was to blame someone for the murder to distract focus away from himself from the beginning of the investigation.

Fingerprints on the surface of a digital scale.

A trail of electronic breadcrumbs was discovered on Allwine’s electronic devices by computer forensics specialist Lanterman, which matched the activities of the mysterious dogdays just on the Dark Net. Lanterman was hired to investigate the case.

Lanterman used more than 70 pieces of data to create two parallel realities that were nearly perfectly in sync with one another.

“From what I gather, Mr. Allwine is an information technology professional, and we both have egos,” Lanterman said. “However, Mr. Allwine seemed to believe he was superior to everyone else in terms of intelligence. The good news is that it wasn’t the case.”

On February 14, 2016ay, dogdays contacted Besa Mafia on Xmas Day as Stephen Allwine was hunting for bitcoin for the first time in his life.

A dog training conference in Moline, Illinois, is scheduled for February 15th, while Allwine will be studying Amy’s travel arrangements and calculating the distance between Chicago and Moline.

Dog Day

God then informs the Besa mafia three minutes later that they are wrong. “In this case, the destination is Moline, Illinois, which is roughly a three-hour drive from Chicago. How much does it cost to be struck and have it seem as though it was an accident in bitcoins today?”

Stephen and Amy are on vacation in Hawaii, and DogdayGod delivers them a picture of Amy from the home server while Stephen is receiving the identical image from their home server.

Before departing for his holding cell, Allwine made the following observation: “For an issue to be resolved in this situation, you must bring the individual who was accountable to justice,” Allwine said.

With Lanterman’s meticulous analysis of Allwine’s online life, Lanterman feels he has gained a better knowledge of the guy who has been a source of fascination for him for years.

According to Lanterman, “I believe he’s arrogant.” “He was the one who did it. But he has difficulty accepting the responsibility that comes with being in charge of it. He’s a coward; that’s all he is.”