5 Things to Keep In Mind When Dating a Mormon

Dating someone whose lifestyle is significantly different from your own can be a challenging experience. If you don t share core values with your partner, you’ll experience a lot of issues down the road. This goes doubly for single Latter-Day Saints , since their religion has very strict guidelines about dating.

All qualms can be resolved through compromise. Here we’ll share some dating tips to help you build a strong, long-term bond with your Latter-Day Saint boyfriend or girlfriend, so keep reading to find out more.

1. Latter-Day Saints can’t drink

5 Things to Keep In Mind When Dating a Mormon

For many people today, alcohol is an ordinary component of socializing and dating culture. Sharing a bottle of wine with your significant other is not an uncommon thing in modern-day society. In fact, it is seen as extremely romantic! However, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are advised not to drink because they believe our body is a sacred gift from God, so we shouldn’t be doing anything that could offend it.

Dating a Latter-Day Saint is a boundary your love life must adhere to. If you want to have a strong relationship, you should not try pressuring your loved ones to change their views on drinking or tobacco. In fact, they’ll be comfortable with you consuming alcohol or tobacco products because that is the issue you should not have to deal with.

2. No premarital sex

Latter Day Saint scriptures point out the inappropriate nature of common activities that are unrelated to sexual relationships, like homosexuality. Keep in mind that a person who is religious will never cross that boundary.

If you are seeking a romantic partner who loves the same sexual practices as you do, perhaps dating a Latter-Day Saint might not be the ideal plan. Not everyone who adores ring ceremonies holds out until they’ve been married, which is fine. Look for an individual who shares your views on this subject. It will be a lot less stressful overall.

3. Respectful of their beliefs

5 Things to Keep In Mind When Dating a Mormon

Today, this involves followers of any religion or belief system that may be different from your own being treated respectfully, and transmit no accusations or promote your ideas in casual encounters–see to it that you understand your partner’s views and treat them respectfully! Ask about their beliefs and actively research them; mutual understanding and awareness are key for building a relationship.

For example, Latter-day Saints consider Sunday a sacred day. You should refrain from arranging outdoor trips and dates during this particular day. Additionally, even though you re an atheist, you must not give religion a bad name by insinuating that only its believers believe in it as a substitute for real religion. We’ve mentioned before, being respectful is of utmost importance when you are trying to attract an LDS single s she.

4. Dress appropriately

The Latter-Day Saints adhere to a certain protocol that adheres to modesty and lack of provocation. You should not wear anything too revealing or skimpy on your dates with your future partners; they’re probably not going to be comfortable with that. Latter-day Saints are used to a clean, elegant appearance that doesn’t reveal much about one’s body. You should either adhere to that or suffer through a painful conversation on the topic.

We are not saying that those decisions are entirely worth making based on the type of clothing a person wears in general. What we are conveying is that anything you would wear a short skirt or a T-shirt to isn’t ideal for someone who is an LDS member.

5. Don’t make offensive jokes

5 Things to Keep In Mind When Dating a Mormon

Not all Latter-day Saints are the same: At least one may enjoy a faint sprinkling of dark humor, but it will also not go over well to make an off-color joke around an LDS individual. They’re taught from birth to be gentle and polite, making vulgar language and such jokes off-limits for a nonLatter-Day Saint wanting to connect with an LDS individual.

As a whole, being polite, accepting, and friendly will lead to lasting relationships. That is certainly true of PHRs, and it’s no surprise! As long as you are not being willfully mean or disrespectful, you are likely to have an excellent relationship with them!


Latter-Day Saints have an ideology that governs their dating process, so it can be challenging to break old cycles to see your partner’s point of view. It’s important to constantly respect that and do your best to learn your partner’s beliefs.

Not everyone is comfortable following these religions’ standards, and therefore this doesn’t mean that you’re not suited to a relationship with a Latter-Day Saint, so you should just take a look at someone who is more aligned with your beliefs and values!