You Must Follow DevSecOps Best Practices

It’s no secret that software and technology evolve at a breakneck pace. Traditional security techniques are no longer in use, and DevSecOps has taken their place.

But, exactly, what is DevSecOps? Are your best practices still sufficient to assist your company to accomplish its goals? And if not, what options do you have for adapting?

You should adhere to the following DevSecOps best practices.

What is the need for DevSecOps?

Understanding the standard software development process is necessary to comprehend why DevSecOps is required.

Security is usually an afterthought in this procedure. Developers are generally preoccupied with getting their apps ready for launch as soon as possible, leaving security teams to play catch-up.

It can cause a variety of issues, including:

  • Security flaws that aren’t discovered until it’s too late.
  • Applications that aren’t well-protected, leaving your company vulnerable to assault.
  • Delays in the release of applications.
  • Resources are being used inefficiently.

DevSecOps aims to solve these problems by including security in the development process from the start. Security is no longer an afterthought; it is a top priority.

What are some of the best DevSecOps practices to follow?

Now that you’ve grasped the importance of DevSecOps, it’s time to examine some of the best practices you should follow.

Including security in the development process is a good idea.

Integrating security into the development process is the first step toward DevSecOps success.

It involves prioritizing security from the start and ensuring that everyone involved in the development process — developers, QA testers, and operations personnel – is aware of and adheres to security best practices.

Security testing can be automated.

It’s critical to automate as much of your security testing as possible to stay up with the speed of software development.

Vulnerability detection and penetration testing, as well as the application deployment process, are all automated. Automated testing can assist you in swiftly identifying and resolving security flaws.

Use Security Resources and Tools

You must employ the most up-to-date security tools and resources to be effective with DevSecOps. Using automated scanning tools, penetration testing tools, and secure development frameworks are all examples of this.

It’s also critical to have a robust security awareness programme in place so that everyone participating in the development process is aware of the most recent security dangers and how to defend themselves.

Cooperate with Other Groups

It’s critical to collaborate with other teams within your organisation to be successful with DevSecOps. Working together with your QA, management, and marketing teams to ensure that they are aware of security best practices and that your development process is in line with organizational objectives is part of this.

Compliance testing can be automated.

It is impossible to overestimate the value of automated compliance testing. When concerns with compliance arise, it not only slows down the development process, but it can also result in hefty fines and penalties.

Compliance testing that is automated can assist you in ensuring that your apps comply with industry regulations and criteria.

Your Team Should Be Trained

It is critical to train your team on the newest security best practices in order to be successful with DevSecOps. This includes educating developers on how to design secure code, QA testers on how to test for security flaws, and operations personnel on how to safely deploy apps.

Make use of a safe development framework

It’s critical to use a secure development framework to ensure that your applications are appropriately secured. Using frameworks like the Open Web Application Security Project’s (OWASP) Top 10, which highlights the most frequent security flaws, is one example.

Create policies and procedures

It’s critical to implement DevSecOps policies and procedures to guarantee that security is a top focus throughout the development process. Setting recommendations for how security should be integrated into the development process, as well as rules for deploying and managing applications, are all part of this.

Conduct risk assessments

Identifying vulnerabilities was the most pressure-filled security responsibility for 17 per cent of respondents in a 2018 survey.

Risk assessments must be conducted on a regular basis in order to detect and manage security concerns. This includes examining your organization’s exposure to cyberattacks as well as assessing the security of your apps, networks, and systems.

Make a strategic alliance with a managed security service provider

It’s critical to collaborate with a managed security service provider (MSSP) who knows the difficulties of incorporating security into the development process.

Managed security service providers can assist you in establishing DevSecOps rules and procedures, as well as selecting tools and resources that are compatible with your present infrastructure.

You can help ensure that your apps are properly secured against cyber threats by leveraging an MSSP’s expertise.

Now that you know the answers to questions like “What is DevSecOps?” and “Why is it Important?” you can go on to the next step. You’ll be better prepared to look at methods to incorporate DevSecOps best practices into your business once you’ve answered these questions.

Using the DevSecOps best practices listed above will help to protect your applications against security flaws.