Should We Eat Avocados at Night or Not?

Learn about nutritious avocados that help to induce sleep

When it comes to eating avocados at night, the green fruits become misty. There’s no real evidence to suggest that avocados ruin your sleeping pattern.

Some nutritionists advise that they don’t eat avocados before trying to catch some shut-eye because they keep you up at night. On the other hand, many experts claim that it helps to hit the bed unless we need to understand the building blocks of avocados and decide it in your mind.

Here I’m discussing the characteristics of avocados that may sort this confusion.

Nutritional Facts in Avocado

One medium-sized avocado delivers just over 160 calories and 9 grams of fiber. Thus, you should not eat the whole avocado in one sitting. It’ll be useful if you go for 1/3 of an avocado, which is technically the serving size including:

  • 15 g healthy fats
  • 9 g carbohydrate
  • 7 g fiber
  • 2 g protein

Why are Avocados healthy?

Avocados are an abundant source of many vitamins and minerals. They are sodium-free, cholesterol-free, and low in sugar. Avocados are very nutritious; though, it contains 20 different vitamins and minerals. 

Let’s take a quick peek at some of the most abundant nutrients in a single 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of the daily value (DV):

  • Vitamin K 26% 
  • Vitamin E10% 
  • Folate 20% 
  • Vitamin C 17% 
  • Potassium 14% 
  • Vitamin B5 14% 
  • Vitamin B6 13% 

It also carries small amounts of manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorous, and vitamins A, B2 (riboflavin), B1 (thiamine), and B3 (niacin). There are only two net carbs that are making it a portion of low-carb friendly plant food.

Are avocados helping or hindering our sleep?

According to a nutritionist “Ryvita Rob Hobson,” avocados contain amino acids that help stimulate the brain. That’s mean, Amino acid causes nightly tossing and turning. An expert Hobson explains it as, “avocado, Aubergines, nuts, and soybean all contain an amino acid called tyramine.

This amino acid may cause hinder sleep, as it sources of a hormone called norepinephrine that stimulates the brain.” But amino acids aren’t the only thing you should avoid before going to bed; however, sugar can also leave you counting stars.

The National Sleep Foundation state that late-night snacks will have a direct impact on your sleep routine. Because too much sugar before bed reduces orexin cells’ activity, which controls a person’s wakefulness and arousal.

In contrast to the above discussion, I’ve good news for you. A recent study conducted by the University of Adelaide revealed that adding more vitamin B6 promotes sleep. As you read the above paragraphs, avocados contain Vit B6, so it will help you hit your pillow. 

But you should introduce other food or nuts with avocados, though, you don’t need much, about 1/2 of an avocado smeared on a slice of whole-grain bread or sprinkled with pumpkin seeds. In this way, you’ll have sweet slumbered in a few minutes.

As you know, avocados contain a wide range of vitamins. Additionally, they provide a couple of the sleep-promoting compounds magnesium and tryptophan. They are also a filling source of healthy fats. Further, it might be useful to add B6-rich sweet potatoes and bananas to maintain a good sleep cycle.

Final Thoughts

In short, avocados don’t contain any sodium or cholesterol and are very low in saturated fat. That’s why some specialists favor them. Alternatively, many experts believe these substances are harmful. They are good in taste and boost a variety of potential health benefits in the body. 

This debate is still murkier that eat avocados at night help to induce sleep or not. But it’ll definitely help, in case you eat with the combination of other nutritious food. So, I leave it on your personal experience. What is the truth behind it? Share your thoughts below in the comment box.