Four Of Cinema’s Most Tragic Heroes

Tragic heroes may be traced back to Greek dramas by Sophocles, Euripedes, and Aeschylus. Since the start of cinematic storytelling, films have likewise sought to depict such tragic heroes.

When we talk about a tragic hero, we’re talking about someone who satisfies a specific set of criteria, which we’ll get to later. Tragic heroes or anti-heroes may be distinguished in the same way:

although anti-heroes are people with dominant-negative characteristics, viewers prefer to empathize with and cheer for these individuals. The list of heroic qualities in movies begins with defining the term “tragic hero,” so let’s do that first.

What Is It About A Tragic Hero?

According to Aristotle, the tragic hero’s purpose is to evoke an emotional reaction from the audience, which leads to catharsis.

He must be noble, not every day, exhibit outstanding qualities, have a tragic defect, such as arrogance or having made a catastrophically incorrect choice, be plagued by his conscience, and suffer a terrible end as a consequence of his flaw.
A tragic hero must also have the following features: Macbeth, Oedipus Rex, Hamlet, and Medea and Antigone in literature.

Is There A Purpose To Reading A Book About Tragic Heroes?

Reading about tragedies is required reading for students seeking an English degree. Consequently, students are better equipped to understand and evaluate textual information after completing this course.

Several forms of media feature tragic heroes, and films are one. The best way to learn more about writing about a tragic hero is to study essays like this.

Even if a student is studying a different topic, they will perform better on homework and class projects if they understand what a drama is and how it’s put together.

A more profound grasp of the subject material can help you better appreciate modern-day tragic characters from movies.
List Of The Greatest Tragic Movie Heroes Ever Made

Many books, articles, and journal articles have responded to Aristotle’s work on tragic heroes and tragedies. Several of us have reflected on the evolution of the tragic hero throughout the years. The following films have received the most significant attention:

When Lee Chandler Isn’t In Manchester-By-The-Sea

Perhaps the most popular film character is Lee Chandler’s role in Man by the Sea. First, he starts to suffer from life after the death of his brother.

Then, the audience begins to empathize with him. Because of his tragic accident and battle with sadness and remorse, one can’t help but appreciate him.

Anakin Skywalker Has New Hope

Anakin Skywalker will be remembered as among the most tragic instances of heroin cinematic history.

To rescue his wife and a friend, he traveled to the region of the wrong side, where he imagined he could use dark powers and influence the outcome of their lives to his advantage. Only one thing that has come out of it was Darth Vader.

Some Of Cinema’s Most Tragic Stars

Numerous books, articles, and research papers have responded to Aristotle’s work on heroic qualities and tragedies. We’ve all spoken about how tragic heroes have evolved throughout time. The following is a list of the most popular movies:

When Lee Chandler Isn’t In Manchester-By-The-Sea

Perhaps the most popular film character is Lee Chandler’s role in Man by the Sea. First, he starts to suffer from life after the death of his brother. Then, the audience begins to sympathize with him. Because of his tragic accident and battle with sadness and remorse, one can’t help but appreciate him.

It’s Time For Anakin Skywalker To Have A Fresh Start

Anakin Skywalker will be remembered as among the most harrowing instances of a hero ever seen on the silver screen. His despair drove him to the dark side, where he hoped to use dark abilities and influence destiny to rescue his wife as well as a buddy from impending death. Only Darth Vader was born as a result of this.

His name is David Foster Wallace, and he wrote One Flew So over Cuckoo’s Nest, a book. Author Randle McMurphy developed the character ‘Randle McMurphy.’

On Nickolson’s “rosary of noteworthy roles,” Randle McMurphy is only one of the beads, along with many other famous parts. Everyone in the crowd could see that this figure was well-liked for the right reasons.

Several inmates who had been subjected to Nurse Ratched’s cruel treatment saw him as a glimmer of hope. But he still has one deadly flaw: an exaggerated feeling of self-importance. He clings to the fantasy that he can get away with violating authorities in any manner possible.

As he tried to run, the patient was taken in by another patient, who felt sorry for him and lobotomized the man before covering his mouth with a blanket and suffocating him to death. When he dies, ‘Chief,’ on the other hand, will be free to leave the site of his murder.

The Great Gatsby’s Jay Gatsby (James Dean)

Because of a fatal fault in his character, Gatsby can reveal the corruption of the American Dream. It doesn’t matter how much Daisy loves him, and he can’t escape his lavish lifestyle. In the end, his death serves as a valuable lesson for everyone in the theatre.

Finally, Some Last Words Of Wisdom

Like novels, viewers feel for and support unhappy protagonists. Our flaws serve as a constant reminder to work on ourselves and become better people.