This is the Best Superhero Movies So Far

Who wouldn’t like to become the ultimate superhero? You’ll be able fly through the air, shoot lasers right out of your eyes, disappear and save someone just in the blink of an eye. Superheroes teach us the most important aspects of life like respect, humility and courage.

They’re fantastic people to emulate however they’re fictional. In the last couple of years, the fictional characters have left comic book pages and have made an appearances in numerous blockbuster films. There are a lot of superhero films to choose from and choosing the best one is a long process. In this regard Here are some of the most popular superhero films to date:

Avengers: Infinity War

The powerful Avengers have a huge fan base. They’ve created each character as a separate film or television series and ensure that they join the dots when creating films that feature each of them. The Avengers battle the powerful Thanos when he tries to gather his Infinity Stones. This isn’t your usual superhero film because Thanos is able to gather all the stones and achieve his purpose. The villain takes the victory in this movie.

The Avengers are extremely popular across the globe. Apart from comics, they’ve also inspired a variety of cartoons and video games. They’ve even influenced iGaming developers to create slot machines. These types of games are accessible in numerous collections from a range of casinos. With sites such as slot fans are able to access many licensed casinos. The most important thing to remember about these games and sites is to be sure to use them in a responsible manner.


This could not be the only Marvel inclusion on the list but this is a incredible film. It is about the final days of X-men and, in particular, Wolverine. Wolverine used to be in a position to fight any adversary, take a beating, and then heal quickly. Now, he’s an old man that has to become chauffeur for limos to earn money. This is so that it can care for Professor X who’s a senior man and has fallen considerably from what was once.

The whole situation is changed as Logan runs into the young mutant who has similar abilities similar to his. After he learns who is looking for her, and decides to assist her out. In a thrilling finale, you’ll discover what kind of conclusion Logan gets. This is a movie about superheroes unlike anything else and comes very close to the heart of home.

Batman Begins

With two Marvel titles, it’s only fair to include one DC one. Batman is among the most loved superheroes ever. Batman has a variety of screen appearances of which include animated TV shows as well as cartoons. Christopher Nolan did a great job in adapting his story for the large screen. The film begins in Batman Begins because this film tells the story of the process by which Bruce Ways becomes Batman.

After he has escaped The League of Shadows he decides to confront the criminals in Gotham City and make a name for himself. In this movie the character will take on Scarecrow and Ra’s Al Ghul to save all of the people in Gotham. It’s not the usual superhero film, because Nolan creates Batman more convincing. This is why it’s unique.