Who Is Max Helm Fiji? All You Need To Know About Lincoln Nebraska Case

Fiji is also known as Phi Gama Delta Fraternity at Nebraska Lincoln University. Fiji includes a person called Max Helm. Max Helm was accused of sexual assault and sexual assault. According to reports, during the fraternity’s party, the student was targeted and molested by one female student.

This news broke as a blaze across the Internet which led to protests. Many students came together to protest his actions on the premises of the fraternity. They carried playing cards and chanted the protest slogans against Max Helm. They requested that the university close the fraternity.

Phi gamma delta, sometimes known as Fiji is a social fraternity comprised comprising more than 144 active groups and 10 dominions. They are located in Canada and in the United States.

Max Helm was a member of Fiji and therefore there was an issue with the integrity of Fiji’s fraternity. The act was disgraceful to the entire fraternity. To clean the image of the group it was imperative to punish the perpetrator according to law. Protestants were the first to offer the victim with justice.

Details about Max Helm

Max helm, a member of Fiji assaulted one female student who was on campus as a part member of Fiji’s fraternity. The incident did not happen in the same way twice. Max Helm was also accused of sexual assault prior to it. In the past, his suspension was lifted and there was no rage and clamor because the case wasn’t brought to the forefront. However, this time around it’s different.

The sexual assault allegations against the man were also reported in the year 2017. The story spread across the nation via social media sites, and thousands of people came out for the demonstration. The fraternity members attempted to intimidate the Protestants to get rid of the matter.

The identity of the victim isn’t disclosed yet and is kept from the general public. The victim is taken to the closest hospital. The information provided about the victim’s age. She is only barely seventeen years old. The reason she is concealing who she is is to guarantee her security.

In the end, @emmyofthevalley has spoken about the incident again through her Twitter account. This tweet also gets the attention of many people. The public saw the tweet as a signal and stepped out to demonstrate against the person who was responsible. It’s not simple for these cases to emerge from the fray.

This time, due to the excessive public attention and media, not only is the matter being discussed but the fraternity was suspended and is being investigated. Protesters have demanded the closure of Fiji. Nearly 280,302 have already signed a petition against Fiji and others are set to join it.