Side Effects Of Wearing High Heels

Wearing high heels is not only a hobby of women, but it also enhances their personality. Today’s girls and women are crazy about high heels. Earlier, heeled shoes and slippers were only worn by models and actresses walking on the red carpet. But now, the crazy people of high heels are found in every house. High heels not only make you taller but also enhance your beauty. Now girls like to wear high heels for going to the office apart from a party, shopping. High heels have become a part of the beauty of girls

High heels make your gait more attractive. Even though high heels enhance your personality, but do you know how harmful their side effects are. If you wear high heels for some time, it is fine but wearing heels for hours is not right for you. Wearing high heels puts constant pressure on the muscles, bones, and tissues of the feet and ankles. Due to this, there are problems like foot pain and boils. You must have also felt sometimes that you fall because of the heels. If these problems become more severe, then it may be necessary to do surgery. So today, we are going to tell you the side effects of high heels. If you are also fond of wearing pumps, stilettos, and high heels, then definitely know its side effects.

Leg pain 

You must have felt that after wearing heels, you complain of pain in your feet. Due to high heels, sometimes there is a lot of strain on the muscles. Due to this, there may also be complaints of pain in your waist and back. The pressure on the ankles, knees, and hips due to heels can increase the risk of cervical. It is said that high heels also damage the spinal cord. Due to all this, along with the feet, there can be a pain in your body as well. 

Bone fracture 

According to experts, wearing high heels can also break the bones of the foot. Due to wearing heels daily, the bone posture gets worse. Bone cracks due to poor posture, and the risk of fracture increases. Apart from this, due to high heels, there is extra pressure on the feet’ groin bone and toe bones. That’s why you should try not to use high heels regularly.

Arch strain 

The unnatural position of the high heel stresses the arch of the foot. Due to high heels, the foot becomes slightly crooked compared to normal. Due to the heels, the feet become abscessed, due to which it becomes difficult even to stand barefoot. There is a strain in the muscles, and there is also a complaint of pain in the toes. 

Back pain 

Women often complain of back pain, which is more common in today’s generation. The reason for this can also be high heels. You may consider your back pain as the reason for your wrong lifestyle. But this is not always the case; if you use high heels, you may have lower back pain. Walking in high heels does not allow proper distribution of weight, which puts a lot of pressure on our back. It can be the biggest reason for having back pain. 

Effect on the brain 

The structure of high heels is such that the blood flow in the veins gets constricted. Due to this, the flow of blood is not done properly. In some rare cases, the blood vessels also break. All these affect the brain. 

If you also wear high heels all day, then be careful. You should reduce this habit and wear comfortable footwear. Nowadays, there are so many different types of footwear for women that give you a fashionable look. You can use that footwear. More…